Gramma Mamma and Elodie spent some time together-when we managed to get Elodie to sit still for a few moments!

Elodie and Gabby (cousin 6 weeks younger) are sure going to be a handful when they start scheming with each other...

Who is the older one? hahaha!

Auntie Lori holding Elodie down (actually, Elodie really enjoyed the swinging, Lori).

Elodie loved watching the monkeys. ( That is probably where she got her moves for the next blog posting.)

We went to the zoo during our visit-I cant wait for Elodie to remember these kinds of things. I tried to get all kinds of "firsts" in during this visit. A camel ride was more for me! hahaha

Grampa, Gramma Mama, and Gramma Mimi with the girls. I think we had finally gotten Elodie to nap at this point. Whew...