Elodie is trying out wigs for her bald head. (actually, it is getting thicker in the front - just a clump, though!

This weekend, Todd and I were able to do some "alone" time while Elodie stayed with various babysitters. We went skiing on Saturday, went out ot dinner and to the hot springs on saturday night, and on Sunday, we went to Denver to see Aimee and Shane and go biking! Aimee offered to watch Elodie while we rode...isnt she just the "awesomest" ???? She and Shane took her to the park while Jasper ran for the ball, then took a nap and then mom and dad came home and we all went out to dinner. Aimee-we will be available to you someday! hahaha! Thank you again for your time. Here we are at their home with Elodie and Todd hamming it up for the camera. Love the jeans, heh? We are having fun dressing Elodie up in all the cute clothes all of you have provided her with...

Elodie is practicing making faces!

Alright, so she isnt walking yet, but this kid loves to stand and tap her feet. She isnt happy lying on her back anymore and would prefer to stand or be in her jumper.