Monday, March 30, 2009

found photos from "the past!!!"

For all of you to see-this is the beautiful bassinett that Grampa Phil made little Elodie. It is absolutely gorgeous and we just love it. I will be keeping it out for a long time because it is so wonderful. Thank you "grampa."
Having more than one camera creates confusion(this is also part of the reason that I dont put up more posts-our ther camera is the business camera which is often on the job with

Todd) I wanted to put in some photos from the DesRochers visit that I really wanted to show you!

Unclr Mark called Elodie a "little Julie." I think she has made that move towards being her "Daddy's girl..." complete with his adorable expressions - both verbally and facially (is that a word, gma mimi?) hehehe

We celebrated Mark's b-day while they were there-happy birthday!

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