Tuesday, January 24, 2012

swimming lessons and other ways to keep us busy

Ski School!!! How many people out there wish they could have grown up knowing how to ski??? It would have made it so much easier...
Well, Little Miss Olsen is living the dream. She is in the "Explorers" at Keystone and learning how to rip it up! She is in the same class as her life-long pal, Asher, and they "try" to pay attention to their instructor. (I have also seen the 2 of them running down the taller kids in their class, skiing much faster than the bigger, older kids.)

Swimming has always been a favorite pass-time for Elodie. She has progressed so far and has actually taught herself to propel her body thru the water, holding her breath, kicking, and flailing her arms. (yes, it is true... she has my stroke technique... hahaha!)
This past month, we signed her up for swim class at the Breckenridge Rec Center so she could take the class with her friend Bodie. They go with Bodie's mom after school over to the pool and I meet them there. Watching them is so much fun and they really encourage each other, as well!
I think I will sign her up for next month, too...

Monday, January 9, 2012


Elodie and I went to a birthday party on Sunday in Breckenridge. It was her first time ever and I figured that I have not skated for 20 years... How is that possible that ANYTHING in my life could be 20 years ago???? (holy cow.)
We both made it out alive and fairly unscathed. There were "walkers" for beginners, so Elodie figured out how to use it and had a blast. She even watched her friends that weren't using the walkers and tried to skate without hers for a few steps. She did great! I controlled myself and did not use a walker. I stayed on my feet. Now, that was a feat! (hahaha...)
Todd bought a hip-e van to drive while in Hawaii. He will also be living in it. He can strap a surfboard on top (already has...), as well as stretch out in the back. Good living! Started "working" and training with my boss, Darin, today. I'll bet his head is just crammed full already if I know Darin!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

2 days in...

Well, we are 2 days in to Todd's 3 months away. It hasn't been very difficult, yet... I think the most difficult part for me is Elodie missing Daddy. She knows that he is gone to "big person" school for a long time and we are going to visit him in a couple weeks, but when she asked where she is when she wakes up in the morning, I am reminded of how hard this is going to be.
I know 3 months will go by very fast and that things for us will be soooo much better, but it is always difficult to be apart from someone you love so much! At least he is not going to war... thank the Lord for that much! The families that are separated for that reason and that amount of time are amazing people of tremendous strength.
It is Elodie's first day of ski school, so the house feels soooo empty! I wish there was either more snow so I could ride more (I did take a few runs this morning, but it is busy and icy. Not ideal!) or warmer so I could ride my bike. I guess I can catch up on some reading!